Amanda the Adventurer 2 Walkthrough – Endings & Achievements x

In the beginning of Amanda the Adventurer 2, you pick up where the previous game ended. A stranger is in the attic with you, and she is ready to talk about everything that has been going on. Should you find yourself stuck at any point, our walkthrough will help you out.

Amanda the Adventurer 2 Walkthrough – Library book locations

Your new accomplice will bring you to the library where Aunt Kate worked, hoping to find some clues in her office. In order to get there, you will need to dig up a whole bunch of new tapes with some disturbing content.

When you first enter the library and look at the checkout counter, there is a note; someone has left a mysterious cassette tape in the return slot that doesn’t belong to the library. You need to figure out the code to unlock the bike lock on the cabinet and get the first tape. There are a variety of books you can interact with around the library, and a few of them have letters and numbers drawn on the first pages with red markers. Here are all the locations of those books:

If you scan the books in the library’s checkout counter computer in order, you will need to click on the name that matches the initials in the database, then pick up the last book they check out in that order. So the first book, Greg the Grape 2 is on the counter of the book return, says JP is the first number. If you scan that book, look for the name with JP initials. The first book in his checkout history is This Is a Pineapple. If you look inside This Is a Pineapple, you will find the initials MA and the number 5. So the first number of the code is 5.

  • Greg the Grape 2 has the initials JP.
  • Scan the book and look for JP (Jonathan Pratt).
  • Jonathan checked out This is a Pineapple.
  • This is a Pineapple is on the book rack in the middle of the aisle where the Wooly glass case is.
  • This is a Pineapple has the Number 5 with initials MA written in it.
  • Scan This is a Pineapple and look for MA (Michael Arcadi).
  • Michael checked out Mr. Malpractice.
  • Mr. Malpractice is on one of the computers for guests in the middle aisle.
  • Mr. Malpractice has the Number 0 with initials DS.
  • If you scan Mr. Malpractice, it doesn’t work, so rescan This is a Pineapple and look for a DS.
  • You will find the name Deli Shovel.
  • Deli checked out a book called Am The Person, The Are Story.
  • Go into the children’s room in the back of the library, then look on top of the two bookshelves.
  • There will be a single book on top; this is Am The Person, The Are Story.
  • Am The Person, The Are Story has CE and the number 1 inside.
  • Scan Am The Person, The Are Story and look for CE (Carson Emerson).
  • There will be two CEs, but Carson Emerson is the one you want.
  • Carson has checked out Grown Attached, which is on the floor next to the plant in the back of the main room by the Xerox machine.
  • Inside is __ __ __ 3.
  • So the code for the bike lock is 5013.

Achievement: Librarian in Training
Find the code on the bike lock.

The first tape will be inside the locked door; pick it up and take it back into the Kid’s Corner where the TV and VCR are waiting for you.

All loose book locations in the library

As you walk around, looking at all the books with markings in them, you may have discovered some books that do not have markings in them. They are located along the shelves inside the main library room; the only one in the second room is the Am The Person, The Are Story, which was on the top of the bookshelf in the other room.

If you find all 22 loose books, you will get an achievement. These are pretty easy to find since the shelves are made of repeating patterns; just look for books that don’t fit in the pattern. If you need some more help with that, though, I’ve included screenshots of all locations in a gallery below (19/22 have currently been added; more coming soon!). As you are looking through the shelves for these books, spiders will appear on the books. They can’t hurt you, but you should be aware in case you have a thing about spiders.

Achievement: Avid Reader
Find all the books in the library

Amanda the Adventurer 2 Walkthrough – Let’s Plan a Trip! Tape

During the Let’s Plan a Trip! tape, you will need to click a few things. At first, Amanda will ask who you would visit if you could visit anyone in the world. You can type whatever you want into this text prompt, but Amanda will have interesting reactions if you type AMANDA, DAD, SAM, KATE, or WOOLY. Next, she will ask if you want to turn on the lamp or open the curtains to get some more light. It makes no difference which one you choose.

The locations in Let's Plan a Trip tape in Amanda the Adventurer 2.
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  • Choose Paris, which is the upper right drawing (B).
  • Next, Amanda will ask you to choose whether to break the piggy bank or pull out the piggy bank’s plug.
  • Choose Mexico City (A).
  • Sell the Rooster.
  • Choose London (C).
  • Amanda will be attacked by a possum; if you help her to fight it off, she will have enough coins. If not, you will need to tell her to look in the couch cushions for more coins.

There are two branching paths here; the first one occurs when you turn around, at which time there will be a train setup instead of one of the tables in the kid’s corner. The other, there will be a piggy bank behind you. If you pause the tape at any point, you will most likely get the piggy bank. I will cover the piggy bank walkthrough first.

Piggy bank puzzle solution

Pick up the piggy bank and place it on the yellow X next to the TV. Whenever a little pig appears on the bottom left corner of the screen with a + or – and a number of coins, it will either put in or remove coins from the piggy bank. You need to have your coins add up to 10 exactly; you can’t have more and still get past this point. If you remove the piggy bank from the yellow X, the video will not be able to change the number of coins inside the piggy bank.

  • In the first part of the video, Amanda wants to go to Paris, so she opens up her piggy bank and finds +5 coins. Have the piggy bank on the X.
  • Then, she counts out -2 coins to go to Paris. Have the piggy bank off the X for this part.
  • Next, she wants to go to Mexico City which will cost -3 coins. Have the piggy bank off the X for this part.
  • She will then sell her Mr. Rooster toy and gain +3 coins. Have the piggy bank on the X.
  • Amanda will then find +1 coin in her pocket. Have the piggy bank off the X for this part.
  • If you don’t fend off the possum, it will steal -1 coin. Have the piggy bank on the X.
  • If you don’t fend off the possum, Amanda will search the couch and find +3 coins. Have the piggy bank on the X.
  • This should leave you with 10/10 coins in the piggy bank.
  • Finish the tape.
  • The piggy bank will explode and give you the next tape.

Achievement: Cha-ching!
Break open the Piggy Bank

Goodnight Tape

Inside the piggy bank is a tape about saying goodnight. First, Amanda will ask you for help with putting away her toys in the right places. Type in FOUR when she asks how many toys there are, then click on the toys to put them away. You need to make the tic-tac-toe side of the puzzle box match up with this. The blank section is filled in with an X.

The tic-tac-toe setup in the Goodnight tape in Amanda the Adventurer 2.
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Next, Amanda will head into bathroom to wash her face or brush her teeth. She will ask which she should do first; this doesn’t matter which you pick. She will then ask you to pick a washcloth if you type in FACE or a toothbrush if you type in TEETH. The color also doesn’t matter; pick whatever color you like. Once she is ready to brush her teeth, she will ask you to find the toothpaste in the medicine cabinet. When she opens the cabinet, it will very briefly show off the items inside. These items all match the puzzle box’s weather side.

The weather setup in the Goodnight tape in Amanda the Adventurer 2.
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  • Put the bubble in the upper left corner of the puzzle box.
  • The flower with six petals in the upper middle.
  • The upper right gets the sun.
  • The lower right is the daisy with five petals.
  • The lower middle gets the crescent moon.
  • The lower left is blank.
  • Finish the tape; it does not matter what choices you make for the remainder of it.

When you do these puzzles, you will get an achievement.

Achievement: Sleepy Time
Play with the activity block at night

Once the tic-tac-toe side of the box and the weather side of the box have been completed, a tape will pop out of the top. This is the Let’s Practice Patience! tape.

Let’s Practice Patience! Tape

Play the Let’s Practice Patience! all the way through, then look around the library. There will be a Speak No Evil monkey on the table immediately behind you. There is a See No Evil monkey on the toy boxes to the left of the TV (when you are facing it), and finally the Hear No Evil monkey will be up the stairs on the tables in the next area. In order to get these monkeys to give you the next tape, you need to influence the Let’s Practice Patience! tape to get Amanda and Wooly to recreate the poses of the monkeys. Screenshots coming soon!

  • In the first section of the video, Wooly will complain that there is not enough light. Pause the tape and turn the lamp next to the TV on; the screen will turn to static. Interact with the screen again and the tape will start playing again. Both Amanda and Wooly will cover their eyes. Pause the tape, then interact with the See No Evil monkey. It will uncover one eye.
  • When the possum appears and threatens to pick up the bucket of paint, do not stop it. It will shower both Wooly and Amanda with whatever paint you chose, and they will cover their mouths. Pause the tape and interact with the Speak No Evil monkey. It will uncover its mouth.
  • Lastly, when Wooly says the sounds of the birds are so nice and “quiet,” pause the tape. Turn the radio next to the Hear No Evil monkey on FULL volume. The TV screen will turn to static. Interact with the TV again and the tape will progress. Pause it as soon as Wooly and Amanda cover their ears, then interact with the Hear No Evil monkey to uncover its ears.
  • Once this is completed, the monkeys will appear behind you with the next tape.

Achievement: No Evil Around Here
Satisfy the monkeys’ desires

Let’s Hunt For Treasure! Tape

No matter what you do at this point, you will die; there is nothing yet in the game or the tape that can save you. Complete the tape and give the monster any of the toys. If you give her the pink teddy bear, you will get an achievement.

Achievement: Anger Issues
Give Amanda a treasured toy

Ending 1: The Worst Ending

Once you have completed the Let’s Hunt For Treasure! tape and have given Amanda any of the toys, you will die and have to start from the beginning. This is the first ending, and it is also the worst one. But let’s start from the beginning again and see if you and I can change Riley’s fate. Video coming soon!

Amanda the Adventurer 2 Walkthrough – Let’s Plan a Trip! Tape again

In the second playthrough (or possibly your first depending on whether you get the piggy bank or the train set at first), when you complete the trip tape from the library’s locked cabinet (the code is the same again in the second playthrough: 5013), you will get a trainset that will spawn in place of one of the kid’s corner tables.

You need to then recreate Amanda’s dream trip with the train set that is on the floor now. Put the corners in place to match the picture below, and it will hit Paris, Mexico City, then London before going over the finish line. This will give you the next tape.

The locations in Let's Plan a Trip tape in Amanda the Adventurer 2.
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Achievement: Choo-Choo!
Go on Amanda’s Trip

Let’s Start the Day! Tape

In this next tape, Amanda will get out of bed and get ready to eat breakfast. First, you need to choose whether to fix the pillows or fix the blanket first. It doesn’t matter which you choose. Next, Amanda will ask you to help her find her backpack; it’s in the cabinet. Once in the kitchen:

  • If you type in WOOLY or LAMB, Amanda will say that she is sadly “out of that” and start laughing. Yick.
  • Next you need to choose a cup color; it doesn’t matter which you pick.
  • Amanda will make you choose between bacon and toast.
    • If you choose toast, pick to toast the bread first.
    • If you choose bacon, Amanda will ask you to find a pan; it is behind you in the library by the stairs to get down into the Kid’s area. It will be behind you and to the left on the other side of the table. You can then fend off the possum or not.
  • Once the tape is done, the puzzle box will appear on the table behind you; line the objects on the back of the puzzle to match the layout of Amanda’s breakfast in the tape.
    • Orange will be in the upper right.
    • Cow in the upper left.
    • Pig below the cow.
    • Wheat below the Orange.
    • Egg in the middle under Wheat.
    • Muffin in the bottom right.
    • Apple in the bottom left.
The breakfast setup in the Let's Start the Day tape in Amanda the Adventurer 2.
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  • The front of the box needs to line up with the clothing in her closet.
    • The first person needs to be the clown top and the pink skirt.
    • The second is the flower top and the jeans.
    • The third is the tux top and the light blue or gray bottoms.
  • The new tape will pop out of the top of the box. This will also give you an achievement.

Achievement: Get Ready with Amanda
Play with the activity block in the morning

The clothing setup in the Let's Start the Day tape in Amanda the Adventurer 2.
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How to get the first colored tape (Orange Tape)

If you complete all four sides of the box correctly, you will get the Orange Tape. Here are all the solutions again so you don’t have to scroll up:

Achievement: A Thorough Routine
Solve all sides of the block puzzle and get the orange tape.

Amanda the Adventurer 2 Walkthrough – When You’re Feeling Bad Tape

In this tape, Amanda will be feeling depressed. She will ask you what you do when you feel down, then Wooly will offer to tell a story. Type in HORROR to get some special dialogue when Wooly asks you your favorite kind of stories. In order to get an achievement and a new ending, you will need to mess this part up. So pick whatever books you want in whatever order, and you will get another death.

Achievement: Pediatrician’s Bad Time
Read Amanda the wrong story

The correct choices for the story in this tape are to select what matches the pictures that Amanda drew in the order they are in on the back wall. So the first picture (1) has both the Knight and Princess in it, so open both the Knight and Princess books on the table (A and B). Return to the TV and interact with it, and Wooly will ask if you are sure. Press Yes on the TV. Repeat with all the other pictures

  • The second (2) has the Princess and the Wizard (B and D).
  • The third (3) has the Wizard and Dragon (C and D).
  • (4) has the Knight and Dragon (A and C).
  • (5) has the Princess and the Knight (A and B).
  • The last panel (6) has the Knight (A) all alone.
  • In the middle of all this, the possum will try to rip up the pages; make sure to stop it.

Achievement: Pediatrician’s Story Time
Read Amanda a story

After the correct story is complete, you will get a new book on the same table the Knight, Princess, Dragon, and Wizard books were: 5 Ways to Hide a Hammer by h’Andy Min. Inside it will be a hammer; you can use it to break the piggy bank by your side if you chose not to break the piggy bank earlier (if you did decide to let Amanda break it, it will already be broken). Inside will be a train track piece.

Let’s Hunt for Treasure! Tape again

Bring the hammer back to the front of the library, using it to break the glass around the Wooly doll and tape. Play the tape, and when monster Amanda asks for a “worthy” toy, give it the Wooly doll.

Achievement: Anger Management
Give Amanda the Wooly puppet

Give monster Amanda Wooly doll in Amanda the Adventurer 2.
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Now that you have given monster Amanda the Wooly doll, it will run into Kate’s office, a door that has been locked up to this point. Head inside and take the train piece from the desk. Next, bring the tape from the middle table with you back to the TV; play it to continue the story.

Kate's office in  Amanda the Adventurer 2.
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We Can Fix It Tape

To complete this puzzle, you will need to start the We Can Fix It tape. When you are pushed out of the video the first time, pick up the knife next to the frog, and then cut it open. You’ll go back into the tape, and Amanda will pick up a rollerblade out of the box of stuff Wooly is throwing away. When she lifts it up, it will then push you out of the tape again.

  • Inside the dissected frog will be three objects; choose the wheel that fits on the rollerblade, and cut all the innards that are holding it in the frog. Bring it back to the TV, and interact with the screen to give it to Amanda.
  • Next, Amanda will hold up the robot from the last game. To fix it, you will need to cut out the AA-looking battery from the frog.
  • After that, you will need to fix the seat of the picnic table with a screw. Cut the screw out of the frog and take it back to the TV.
  • Take the butterfly wing from the frog for the next bit.
  • After that, cut the heart out of the frog, then bring it back to Amanda.

Achievement: Science Class
Dissect a frog

How to get the second colored tape (Blue tape)

Since the frog is no longer in its glass aquarium in Kate’s office, you can go back in and get the second railroad piece that is inside the now-broken frog home. Now, you will need to recreate the original trip that Amanda wanted to go on, but end up in the second finishing line instead of the first. In order to do that, you need to put all the tracks like this:

How to get the blue tape in Amanda the Adventurer 2
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Place the train on the tracks, then watch it go around the path as shown above. The blue tape will pop out of the “secret” cave.

Achievement: Chugga Chugga Chugga Chugga
Go on Amanda’s trip to the secret cave

Amanda the Adventurer 2 Walkthrough – Do You Feel Safe? Tape

The last tape you will come across here is the Do You Feel Safe? tape. When you start to play this tape, a familiar shape will pop up on the screen: it will be the same map as the microfilm that was in Kate’s office. Grab the microfilm and place it on the TV. Go back to watching. You will need to burn the microfilm with the TV three total times.

  • The first time, the image will pop up during the video with no prompting from you.
  • To get the second burn, you will need to answer NO when Amanda asks if you feel safe. The image will appear again, and you need to put the film against the TV a second time.
  • The third burn image will appear after Amanda asks you if you trust anyone; you need to answer KATE. Burn the third image, then place the microfilm in the microfilm reader.

Once the three burns have been completed, you will then have the answers to the three puzzles you need to do next. They can be done in any order. Here is what the microfilm will look like after all three images have been burned in properly:

Puzzle 1

There are new answers to each of the sides of the puzzle box. The answers to those four sides are in the gallery of images below. Once these are complete, a key will pop up out of the box.

Puzzle 2

The poster that was immediately inside the door from the main library room into the one where the kid’s corner is has changed; there is a key underneath it. Interact with the poster to rip it off the wall and take the key taped under it with you.

The microfilm puzzle in Amanda the Adventurer 2.
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Puzzle 3

The last puzzle is the M/D puzzle for LM and WH. If you scan every book you can in the library, you will find only two names that fit the bill: Linda Monson who took out Squeegee of Destiny Vol. 8 on March 1, and Will Hill who took out So You Want a New Identity? on August 3. Since the locked box in Kate’s office requires a four digit code, you will need to put in Linda’s month and day, then Will’s month and day in that order. March = 3 and August = 8. So the code is 3183. This will get you the third key.

The microfilm puzzle in Amanda the Adventurer 2.
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How to get the third colored tape

Coming soon!

What to do with the keys from the microfilm puzzle

Kate’s desk has a drawer in the middle that is locked. Use one of the keys to open this drawer. It will open a compartment on the right side of the desk (if you are standing by the chair) that requires the second key, and then the third key will go inside the compartment that unlocks on the left side of her desk.

Achievement: Ancient Technology
Figure out how to use the Microfilm Reader

A compartment will open on the top of Kate’s desk with a tape recorder in it; if you haven’t gotten all the secret tapes, you will not get a cassette to go into the cassette deck, so you will just need to push the button instead (it’s impossible to have all the secrets on the first playthrough because you need to start a new game after seeing the credits to get them all). This will trigger the ending of the game.

Achievement: Down the Hatch!
Beat the game

How to get the fourth colored tape

Red tape location in Amanda the Adventurer 2.
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After you go down the hatch at the end of the game, if you open up a new game after the credits roll, you will get another achievement and the next colored tape, which will be on the front service desk in the front of the library.

Achievement: Testing Patience
Get on Amanda’s nerves

How to get the true ending in Amanda the Adventurer 2

Coming soon!

Achievement: True Librarian
Obtain the library database secret tape
Achievement: Wear Your Seatbelt
Beat the game with all the secrets
Achievement: Everything’s Your Playground
Interact with all the library’s amenities

For more walkthroughs, check out Machinarium Walkthrough – 100% All Puzzles on Pro Game Guides.

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